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Selasa, 14 Jan 2025
  • Sehubungan dengan mulai dilaksanakannya proyek pembangunan Masjid di lingkungan SMAN 10 Samarinda, maka selama proses pembangunan agar tidak memarkir kendaraan di area sekitar lokasi pembangunan masjid
  • Sehubungan dengan mulai dilaksanakannya proyek pembangunan Masjid di lingkungan SMAN 10 Samarinda, maka selama proses pembangunan agar tidak memarkir kendaraan di area sekitar lokasi pembangunan masjid
10 Agustus 2024

JUARA !!! The 8th Nairong International Students’ Conference 2024

Sab, 10 Agustus 2024 Dibaca 87x Arikel / Education / Event / Pendidikan / Prestasi / Uncategorized

Delegasi SMA Negeri 10 Samarinda berhasil memperoleh prestasi sebagai Juara Pertama lomba Video Production dan Juara Kedua lomba poster pada NISC 2024 di Bangkok, Thailand. Delegasi SMA Negeri 10 Samarinda terdiri dari:

  1. Aisyah Raudhatul Zahra
  2. Carissa Valerie
  3. Fabian Azizy Bachtiar
  4. Kayyisiah Farizah VIrani
  5. Muhammad Aldika Ramadhana
  6. Keneisha Zephania Sihaloho
  7. Callista Aurellie Irawan

dengan guru pendamping: Ms Ismi Purnama Sari, S.Pd.

NISC atau Nairong International Students’ Conference 2024 adalah pertemuan pelajar setingkat SMA yang diadakan setiap tahun oleh Matthayom Watnarong School Bangkok, Thailand. Tahun 2024 adalah penyelenggaraan yang ke-8 dan diikuti oleh 10 sekolah dari 9 negara yang melibatkan 200 pelajar.

Di tengah-tengah kegiatan NISC 2024, delegasi Indonesia dikejutkan dengan kedatangan salah satu alumni SMA Negeri 10 Samarinda yang berkarier dan tinggal di Bangkok. Terima kasih Kak Habibi Husain Arifin yang telah menyempatkan diri menemui adik-adik di Bangkok.

Tujuan kegiatan NISC adalah untuk memperkuat hubungan antar siswa dari berbagai negara dan menciptakan jaringan kerjasama antar siswa dari berbagai negara. Tema utama NISC 2024 adalah “Marine Resources Define Tomorrow’s World”, dengan sub tema:

  1. The Roles of AI and New Technology to Sustain Water in Nature dan

“The Roles of AI and New Technology to Sustain Water in Nature” is one of the
subtopics of the chosen main theme. Technology has had a significant impact on a variety of
aspects of modern life, including different industries such as education, business, and health. It is
undeniable that technologies often interfere with water usage. Moreover, utilizing technology to
assist humans is an excellent choice, it also facilitates the effective management of water
resources and keeps track of the use of water in industrial facilities, including wastewater
treatment. Also, water can be used as a means of transportation and as a great renewable source
of energy.
Clean energy from water is a significant example of how technology is being applied to
the water industry. In other words, it is a clean energy source that uses water flow energy as its
energy source. The water’s flow will help generate the water turbine’s rotating force, which powers
the generator. Until they can generate power, it is a renewable energy source that has endless
potential applications. It also produces electricity at a low cost, involving a production method
free of a variety of pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.
Water energy does, however, have certain drawbacks, such as the construction of dams
that obstruct waterways influencing the local ecology and fauna, among other things.


2. The Effects of Ignorance Intervene the water Cycle.

“The Effects of Ignorance Intervene the Water Cycle” is a subtopic of the main theme
we have chosen this year. In this topic, we will discuss the lack of awareness that impacts the
water cycle. Everyone is aware that the movement of different water sources creates the water
cycle. Whether it is a river, lake, ocean, or water resulting from human activities that enter the
atmosphere by evaporating, it comes in various forms. This type of circulation is continuous and
never ends.
Climate change is occurring as we speak. As a result, the water cycle process proceeds
more quickly and intensely. The impacted areas will consequently face a shortage of water.
Additionally, it increases the amount of rain that falls, diluting the minerals in freshwater and
leaving the water tasting more bland than before. However, seawater will have a higher saltiness
because the salt is left behind when water turns into vapor. In addition, human actions like
excessive water use affect the water cycle in a variety of ways or even cause pollution in the water.
It has an impact on aquatic life as well as the water cycle.
Humans can contribute to reducing issues that could impact water resources, aquatic life,
and the water cycle with ease by contributing to water conservation. Reducing the amount of
water used in agriculture can also be accomplished by using agricultural technology that uses
water efficiently including setting up an efficient system for treating wastewater in industrial
facilities and minimizing reliance on plastics, or so to speak, to reduce waste.
Water, however, is regarded as being important for human existence both at present and in
the future. To achieve sustainable global development, we need to promote the preservation of
marine and water resources and make the best use of them.

Dalam kegiatan NISC 2024 terdapat 3 kegiatan lomba, yaitu

  1. Skit Competition
  2. Poster Competition
  3. Video Production Competition

Berikut jadwal kegiatan NISC 2024



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